Welcome to our Art Blog!
Hey there! On our art blog, we discuss about all things related to contemporary international art. We cover everything from the artists themselves to their amazing creations, exhibitions, and even the buzzing international art scene. So grab a cup of coffee and join us as we dive into the exciting world of contemporary art!
#Art Blog article n.30: Unveiling the Cosmos: A Journey into Deep Sky Astrophotography
24. September, 2024 - Reading time 15 Min. - Written by Angel Monticelli
#cosmos #spaceart #discoveringuniverse #stars #nebulas #astrophotography #nightsky #scifi
In this Art Blog post, we will be exploring the art of photography, focusing specifically on astrophotography. The thrill of discovery that comes with capturing images of the cosmos sparks a sense of wonder and propels us beyond the boundaries of our current knowledge, ultimately contributing to the advancement of our civilization's understanding of science and art. Throughout history, humans have viewed the stars as deities, immortalizing them in paintings and sculptures. As we delve deeper into astrophotography, we begin to see the connection between art and the vast expanse of the universe.
#Art Blog article n.29: Acrylic Paintings Inspired by Italian Culture by Christian Ettmayr.
21. September, 2024 - Reading time 9 Min. - Prompted by Peter von Hauerland
#salietabacchi #proprietaprivata #ingressolibero #minimalisticart #inspiredbyitaly
As the son of an architect, Christian Ettmayr has a deep appreciation for the aesthetic qualities found in Italian design. From the intricate details of Italian architecture to the elegant simplicity of street signs and interior signage…
#Art Blog article n.28: Why am I an Artist?
21. September, 2024 - Reading time 8 Min. - Markus Prummer
#whyamianartist #askartist #markusprummer #abstractartist #nurnberg
People often ask me why I became an artist and what drives me. To be honest, I have asked myself this question many times, again and again, because sometimes it would be a little easier without it. But this question cannot be answered…
#Art Blog article n.27: Careless Tattoo Art by Christian Ciro Pablo
15. September, 2024 - Reading time 6 Min. - C.C.Pablo, P.v.Hauerland
#tattooartist #chile #careless #tattooparlor #streetart #sanjoaquin
This art blog post is going to be a little unorthodox. After consulting with the artist, I have decided to publish an email he wrote to me in response to my request. I found it very compelling and thought it would be interesting to share an honest and direct message with you. In an age of constant self-promotion and profiling, it is refreshing to read something so openly genuine, free from exaggerated ambitions and egoism.
#Art Blog article n.26: Should I still use Instagram to promote my Art?
12. September, 2024 - #artpromotion #socialnetworks #art #instagram #postingdailyart - Staff.
One of the first questions we ask artists who are considering exhibiting or promoting their art in our Hybrid Gallery is how much online engagement they regularly engage in. There are creative individuals who are skilled enough to create their own websites so they do not have to depend on multinational corporations like Facebook or Instagram…
25. ENG, Contemporary paintings inspired by Italian street signs.
10. September, 2024 - Reading time 8 Min. Staff.
24. ENG, Oandris Joa Tejeiro.
7. September, 2024 - Reading time 9 Min. Staff.
23. ENG, Tips for exploring contemporary abstract art paintings .
7. August, 2024 - Reading time 8 Min. Staff.
22. DE/ENG, Wo kauft man zeitgenössische Kunst aus Bayern.
25. July, 2024 - Lesedauer 7 Min.
21. DE/ENG, Erschwingliche zeitgenössische Kunst aus Bayern.
24. July, 2024 - Lesedauer 9 Min.
20. Junge zeitgenössische Kunst aus Nürnberg: Markus Prummer
21. July, 2024 - Reading time 8 min.
19. Bayerische Kunst aus Passau: Eva Kormann Leopoldi
20. July, 2024 - Reading time 5 min.
18. Storytelling of the Art.
15. May, 2024 - Reading time 5 min.
2. May, 2024 - Reading time 5 min.
25. April, 2024 - Reading time 5 min.