15. Heimat
22. April, 2024 - Reading time 5 min.
5. February 2024 - Reading time 3 min., Written by P.V.Hauerland
Mapping the Invisible: How Astrophotography and Neuroradiology Uncover Hidden Worlds
In both neuroradiology and astrophotography, you start with noise and gradually build clarity.
31.January, 2024. Edited 20. February, 2025 - Blog #6 - Reading time 9 Min. - Peter Von Hauerland / Anton Meijer
#Astrophotography #Neuroradiology #Science
What Stephen Hawking Taught Me With his Brief History of Time
Stephen Hawking had a gift for making the mysteries of the universe accessible to everyone. This article explores his unique storytelling, the beauty of scientific curiosity, and the realization that not every passion needs to become a profession.
24. January, 2024 (Edited on 13.January, 2025) - Blog #5 - Reading time 9 Min. - Peter Von Hauerland
#Universe #Inspiration #BriefHistoryOfTime #StephenHawking#Space #BlackHole #Science
Art Blog #2: How Saying "Hello" Inspired the Creation of My Sculptures
27. December, 2023 - Reading time 8 Min. /Edited on 22. January, 2025/
#SayHello #Art #Sculpture #Space #ScienceFiction
What do Spielberg, pulsars, and modern sculpture have in common? They all explore the art of saying hello across vast distances. Learn how art, inspired by space exploration, bridges the gap between humanity and the unknown.
Art Blog #1: How I Started a Blog
21. December, 2023 - Reading time 6 min. / Edited on 21. January, 2025/
#myBlog #blogging #myownblog #HowIstartedAblog