19. February, 2024 - Reading time 5 min.

Hello out there!

It has felt in my life on several occasions that a genius raises from a moment of a total dedication to a completely strange idea. One gets sucked in and the idea simply takes control of a creative mind. Big things can happen if the voice is followed in a right way.

Unknown to others but somewhat whispering to one´s mind. There is no game flipping change happening without creativity. There is no genius discovery without one listening to his inner voice. Often very strange, weird, people say. I remember few moments in my life when I felt I am discovering something that has become very impactful on a very large group of people whom have been in charge of something very progressive and exciting. It was my “I´m the king of the world !” moment as James Cameron shouted after scoring 11 oscars for his Titanic. Woody Allen would call this effect ‘“fifteen minutes of fame”. It all sounds so materialistic. The feeling is different, it´s more of this 4th dimension stuff from Christopher Nolan´s Interstellar.

It felt quiet baffling after I recognized, but I couldn´t tell absolutely anything while following the inner voice where it might lead me. I have subdued to this inner force. After time it felt like a sphere I entered to avoid distractions around me. It has become a microcosmos that kept spating out stuff thru my mind and my hands. This sphere disappeared at some point. I could neither see it or reenter anymore. I started searching for it again 2 years ago. It might appear again, somehow I feel it´s near again…

It´s always inspiring to listen to Stephen Hawking`s Brief History Of Time lecture. He spends a good deal of time imagining what happens after one trespasses the event horizon. Black hole is theorized as a spherical object. Galaxy inducing a gravitational lensing has a fairly spherical look to it even though as theorized it´s just an optical effect, but still, spherical. Too bad there is no way to finding out what´s inside of those spheres. I´ll spend time searching for my own sphere again in a reachable distance.

Two guys, James Clark and Ollie Aplin do not perceive a distance as a problem, obviously. Here are few lines written by James describing the hunt of their own “sphere” in the Universe.

The yellow/red dot in the centre of the ring is a galaxy almost 5bn light years away and its gravity is focusing the light from the more distant galaxy into my back garden, forming an almost perfect Einstein ring. 3.5hours of data from Jan and March, 2022. The amazing Einstein Ring, a gravitationaly lensed galaxy 11 bln light years away, so over 80% of the way back to the Big Bang. Dawn of the time!

The lensing galaxy LRG3-757 (LRG stands for Large Red Galaxy...really!) is only 5bn light years away. The sharp images are from the Hubble Space Telescope, the less sharp ones (3,4 and 5) are done with my Celestron 8-9.25" EdgeHD's from our back garden. 50h Lum and 9h RGB (mono and OSC).

So the light from both galaxies started on their journey before the Sun and Earth even existed. The blue light of the ring traveling through space, interacting with nothing except the gravity of LRG3-757 until it hit our camera sensors.

James Clark (collaborative with Ollie Aplin), 2022/2023, You can read a more detailed project journey written by James here.

Backround and the first two images below: ESA/Hubble & NASA, S. Jha, Official Nasa picture caption, More on Gravitational Lensing here.

Picture 3,4 and 5: James Clark, X handle: @clarkjames70, Ollie Aplin, X handle: @carefreeastro

You can read more about these two astrophotographers here.

Blog post compiled and intro written by Peter Von Hauerland, MA of Arts, Inspired by Universe