23. Tips for exploring contemporary abstract art paintings .

AUGUST, 7., 2024 - Reading time 8 Min.


Tips for exploring contemporary abstract art paintings .

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the quantity and variety of contemporary abstract art available? If so, we are here to help you navigate through the vast array of modern abstract art and assist you in forming your own perspective on it. Stick with Art Blog !

Several contemporary Bavarian and German artists have exhibited their art in our Hybrid Gallery Von Hauerland in the first half of the year 2024. Each artist had their own approach and signature style. In this Art Blog post, I want to take a closer look at their work, identify commonalities, and highlight what makes their abstract paintings special.

Just a side note, I would like to mention that we are planning to expand our portfolio of artists and will be supporting international artists as well. We have an art acquisition with painters from Italy and Japan. This blog will be the first place where you will be able to hear first-hand about it so stay in touch with us! To make sure you don´t miss the next Art Blog post sign up to our Newsletter, you´ll never miss a great Art reading again.

“Just a side note, I would like to mention that we are planning to expand our portfolio of Artists and will be soon supporting international Artists as well.”

One of the first abstract painters we had the pleasure of welcoming to our art gallery was Markus Prummer. Originally from Augsburg, Markus currently lives and works in Nurnberg, making him mostly active in the Bavarian artistic territory. This young contemporary abstract artist is dedicated to acrylic painting and uses a wide range of colors in his work. Some of his canvases measure up to 160cm in height. Markus also has a secondary painting series that are smaller in size and are not simply smaller versions of his larger paintings. These smaller original paintings have their own artistic language and are more intense in some ways because they concentrate the colors on a smaller surface.

The size of a painting, as well as art in general such as sculpture, is important. This is especially true when considering the perception of structures and distribution of colors on a smaller canvas. Brush strokes are not a focus for Markus Prummer, like many contemporary abstract artists who do not use paintbrushes as their main tool. Contemporary abstract art is a space for experimenting with colors fluids, and their placement on the canvas. The more creative the painting approach, the stronger the artistic expression can be. We will revisit Markus Prummer's abstract paintings in a dedicated Art Blog post later. You can subscribe here!

“The more creative the painting approach, the stronger the artistic expression can be.”

The second contemporary abstract artist to engage with our gallery is Fabian Freese. Living and painting in Wuppertal, Fabian is one of the first non-Bavarian artists to display his art in our Hybrid Gallery Von Hauerland. We have been captivated by his "Aura Art" concept and are planning to support Fabian in his upcoming artistic endeavors. As far as we know, he has had three group Art exhibitions in New York this year and there are plans for an exhibition in Belgium in the autumn. We are excited to share more information as soon as we have it!

Okay, so now a little more detail about the work of Fabian Freese. His Aura Art style is something quiet captivating and energizing. His use of neon colored spray strokes combined with conciously chosen hand made stencils are quiet a match. We will, of course, discuss his work in greater detail in a dedicated Art Blog post, so this will not be a comprehensive text on his work. However, let me outline his workframe at least a little bit. Based in Wuppertal, Germany, Fabian runs his own art studio. I find his communication art quite engaging. In his social media posts, he is open about his current work in the studio, giving followers a sense of being there with him. Earlier this year, there was even a fire alarm near his studio, and I was one of the first to find out because I follow his account!

So, yes, we aim to connect artists with people and will continue to do so. Stay with us and subscribe to our Art Newsletter!

Peter von Hauerland