Dear Artists, dear Art lovers!

The moment we received the art exhibition application from Johannes, it did not seem as convincing as one would expect from a daring young Artist. don´t get me wrong, it´s not about his work. The contemporary art exhibitions at Hybrid Gallery Von Hauerland stand for clear stories of the contemporary artists and their creative paths. If already the fisrt outreach seems not strong enough, how can the story be convincing? Let me walk you thru his spoke to me quiet personally. We will unravel the hidden burdains behind applying for an Art Exhibitiion from the Artists point of vie in our bullet notes and we will try to address the most relevant topics related to exhibiting your Art in the frequently asked questions as well. But let´s take it one after another…


•Don´t let yourself hold back because of missing Art education.

•Use the creative media that feel right.

•Don´t be afraid to experiment.

Don´t get fooled, the treasure was well hidden this time. It might seem quiet hidden at first, but more you look at his work the clearer it gets. Johannes Wüst and his artworks are a true witness of a contemporary artist who stood up against the conformity. Well, you might get lost a little as the wood chips start flying around, but when the dust settles a genuine style comes to play. And that is what I am sensing off of the work of Johannes wüst from Landsberg am Lech. But let´s take it one chapter at the time.


•Don´t let others, especially the nearest around you, to discourage you.

•Look for people with similar interest.

•Talk about your Art with people more skilled than you.

After a quick dive into the website of Johannes Wüst it has become very clear that we are dealing with a not yet shaped diamond. Simple crystalized carbon found in nature is pretty much worthless. The effort of shaping it the right way gives it an exorbitant value. The perseverance and conscious decision to choose its own path makes a difference. An emerging young Artist is becoming aware of what is possible if he focuses all his creative attention on his artistic skills. Let us unravel what is waiting for Johannes in the world of 21 century contemporary art.

Johannes is for me a symbol of resistance of the human creative genius. It doesn´t matter how far we get from what we wanted to do. Or are we forever accountable for decisions we made earlier? Does painter have to justify if he wants to divert from his earlier creations and starts to sculpt? Does he have to seal the departure from his earlier painting commitments?


•How to discover the Artist in you?

•How to approach an Art Gallery?

•How to defeat the imposter syndrome?

Today, we conducted the first round of interview with Johannes. It has been once again confirmed that Hybrid Gallery Von Hauerland helps artists to articulate and verbalize their own thoughts. We went thru a 2 hour journey of formulating the right questions and result has been very clear. The more you talk about your art the better for you and your future.

Don´t hesitate and join us. We invite young, not just international artists to take part in our contemporary art community. Engage in talking about what drives you and we will help you to make your artistic message understandable for anyone out there!

Take a minute to explore the Artists work here.


•Do I have to be established Artist to exhibit my Art in Hybrid Gallery?

No, you can apply in our Gallery once you feel ready to show your creations to the World

•Do I need a website or online presence to apply in the Hybrid Gallery?

Our main principle is to help Artists save time on the promotional activities so they can spend more time creating more of what makes them “Feel alive”!

•How time consuming and management intensive is to organize an Art exhibition in Hybrid Gallery?

We take care of the most online and offline management. It is important to us that Artists do not perceive exhibiting and promoting their Art as something stressfull.

In case you are considering to be ready to present your art don´t hesitate to contatc our Hybrid Gallery Von Hauerland. We support emerging and established european and international artists to take part in our art community. We write, we blog and support each other by means of offline and online interaction. Our mission is to engage in talking about what drives you forward and we will help you to make your artistic message understandable for anyone out there! Find more details about what we have to offer here.

Peter von Hauerland

Hybrid Gallery


APRIL, 25., 2024 - Reading time 6 min. - Author: Peter von Hauerland

Written and photographed by Peter Von Hauerland

Johannes Wüst