#Art Blog article n.35: Galactic Fossils - Mysteries of Extinct Species in Space

5. October, 2024 - Reading time 15 Min. - Staff - Peter von Hauerland

#smallsculptures #universe #space #astrophotography #paleontology

Hey, can you recall one of the most iconic movies from the nineties? The one that captured the hearts and minds of countless children and their parents? Jurassic Park was a mind-blowing adventure for everyone, whether you were a dinosaur buff or not. Now, picture that same thrilling story taking place on a distant planet! Welcome to “Galactic Fossils”!





Jurassic Park was a science fiction bombshell for all and you didn´t even have to be a paleontologist. Not even a dinosaur enthusiast. It was a blockbuster hit and went on to gross over $914 million worldwide in its original theatrical run, It even surpassed Spielberg's own equally mind blowing movie  E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.

In 1983, Michael Crichton originally conceived a screenplay about a pterosaur being cloned from fossil DNA. After wrestling with this idea for a while, he came up with the story of Jurassic Park.

The idea of the movie was pretty novel for its time and yeah, of course, Steven Spielberg simply knew when he had a good material in his hands, so he rushed and bought the rights to the Novel before its publication for 1.5 million dollars. The movie itself was quiet a hype. And the goose bumps the story gave me as a kid! I remember, been 8 years old, sitting in the movie theater holding tight on my seat watching the small T-rex reaching out of his steel cage tearing a man apart in the intro scene. I wonder how did the movie got rated for a family movie back then! So, imagine the same or at least the good portion of the story happening on a different planet!

Astrobiology and its impact on art. Wait, what? Art?

The idea of discovering remains of an extinct species on an exoplanet is a concept that has captured the imagination of scientists and science fiction enthusiasts since ages. In this article, I will try to break down this immensely intensive source of inspiration and will try to put it in perspective with other fields which I as well find incredibly inspiring like Astronomy and Science. So this article is as well about all forms of Astrobiology and its impact on art. Wait, what? Art?

From Paleontology and Astronomy to Science Fiction

The possibility of cloning dinosaurs from some mosquitos has been debunked as technically impossible quiet quickly. What a shame! So if there is nothing to rediscover from the past of our planet how about the rest of the Universe? Thousands of semiprofessional and professional Astrophotographers and Astronomers gaze up at the stars each night. The wonder about the mysteries of the cosmos, the creation of the vastness of the Cosmos or even possibility of finding evidence of extinct species on exoplanets remains one of the most exciting and profound desires of everyone who is fascinated by Science Fiction or Astronomy. Are we really alone in the Universe? Sounds silly, but are we?

Astrobiology is the study of life in the universe. The search for life beyond the Earth requires an understanding of life, and the nature of the environments that support it, as well as habitable conditions, planetary systems and stellar interactions and processes.

Back to fact based science

I mean, let´s not turn this into pulp science fiction. There is nothing worse than a bad science fiction movie with a chewed-up story and badly executed special effects. So let´s just break it down to bare facts: the search for extinct species on exoplanets involves a combination of cutting-edge technology, lots of research, bit of a en educated speculation, and sheer imagination. And billions in funding of course. Astronomers and Astrobiologists are constantly scanning the skies for planets that may have conditions suitable for harboring life, both past and present. After all we have a SETI program or movement if you will. By studying the atmospheres, surfaces, and orbits of these distant worlds, scientists hope to uncover clues that could lead one day to the discovery of ancient extraterrestrial life forms. Nasa has already successfully observed microbes and presence of remnants of amino-acids in space so it´s not all science fiction anymore. Space probe Hayabusa brought some ground breaking samples from Ryugu asteroid. Those samples contained uracil and niacin traces, which are pretty much building blocks of RNA. But enough about the facts, I am not a scientist. But I still wanted to make sure to build up some sensibility to the topic. So, ready for your first Paleontological Expedition to Space?

Paleontology Is Far More Than New Fossil Discoveries. Understanding the ancient past is critical to responding to challenges we face in the future.

There you have it! Even stemming from a scientific source. Let me just loose a word on the most advanced astronomy and Universe research tool our civilization actually has. I can´t start talking about my Sculptures inspired by Universe before I mention James Webb.

Looking far away in space and time.

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is one of the most advanced telescopes ever made, capable of seeing very far into the universe and helping astronomers discover exoplanets and other celestial phenomena. Another key achievement of the James Webb Space Telescope is its role in unraveling the mysteries of the early universe. By observing the most distant galaxies and studying their light, scientists can learn more about the conditions that existed shortly after the Big Bang. The JWST has already provided valuable insights into the formation and evolution of galaxies, shedding light on the cosmic processes that shaped the universe as we know it today. So there is a chunk of Science Fiction moving over to our school text books!

JWST, launched in 2021, is basicly a time machine. It can not get more inspiring than that. This is the birth hour of Galactic Fossils!

Analyzing Exoplanetary Ecosystems: Piecing Together the Puzzle

In addition to telescopic observations, scientists use computer models and simulations to reconstruct the environments of exoplanets and speculate about the types of life that may have once existed there. We know a field of paleontology that is called speculative paleontology or speculative evolution. It gaps between the necessity of interpretation of the missing parts and a educated guess really. By considering factors such as temperature, humidity, and the presence of key chemical compounds, researchers can hypothesize about the ecosystems that may have thrived on these distant worlds just as much despite of missing any concrete or complete fossils. So we are pretty much drifting away from scientific work in a direction of interpretation and art. So what would we call the same term that concerns speculative evolution on an exoplanet? Indeed, there are people who are fascinated by a field called speculative Astrobiology.  Pretty weird terms if you ask me. If you say Science Fiction it sounds all fine, if you try to break down and quantify the facts it gets all off. Weird right? Forget it. This is about inspiration coming from exploration of the Universe and Paleontology, so let´s just stick to that. If you posses artistic license this topic can´t be that compromising for you as when you are an scientist, I understand that.

Uncovering Fossilized Remains on a distant Exoplanet

The ultimate goal of my “search” for extinct species on exoplanets is to discover fossilized remains or other direct evidence of past life. While this may sound like a scenario straight out of science fiction, the possibility of finding ancient biological material on a distant world is not that far away from happening. Just think of the Jupiter`s Moon Europa and its war ocean under the surface. Come on, it´s not a long shot! If such a discovery were to be made, it would revolutionize our understanding of the universe and our place within. And my name would go straight into Art and History books, kidding of course. It would definitely by opening up new avenues of Art exploration and aesthetical discovery. My „Galactic Fossils“ are getting ahead of time, with all fascination for Universe and Paleontology and are making this happen already today! Am I getting ahead of myself? Probably. Is it all just crazy inspiring and I can´t stop? Yes!

Galactic Fossils: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe

What are Galactic Fossils for me, you may wonder… These sculptures, some are larger than the others, are artistic interpretations of objects, such as artifacts, relics, pieces or art and fossils found on an hypothetical exoplanet. These small meticulously carved sculptures are infused with elements of Universe exploration, Science Fiction and Paleontology. Inspired by the beauty and complexity of the living species and the infinity of the cosmos, these small and miniature creature and artifacts capture the essence of the incomprehensible history and evolution of the Universe. “History of the history of the Universe” by Stephen Hawking. Anyone read that?

Galactic Fossils disrupt traditional boundaries of art and science, blending imagination with scientific accuracy. By combining elements of paleontology, such as fossils and artifacts, with space imagery and Astrophotography, these sculptures offer a unique perspective on the interconnectedness of life, both on Earth and in the vast reaches of space. These are simply insanely curious little sculptures. Unusual corner of the Universe of "Galactic fossils" is simply full of imagination! So, picture this: Scientists find these super small creatures and start thinking they could be proof of more complex life on some far-off planet in space. It's like stumbling upon fossils from outer space, sparking our curiosity about finding signs of smart beings or their ancient traces out there.

Between Artifacts and Relics

Each Galactic Fossil sculpture, small or large, tells a story - a story of cosmic evolution, of undiscovered ancient species and civilizations and their remains, their Amulets, Relics and Artifacts. These are fascinating takes on worlds not yet discovered or perhaps long gone in a blast of a collapsing star. Galactic Fossils draw inspiration from the wonders of the Universe, from the infinitely complex patterns of galaxies to the delicate microcomsos of elementary life forms and elementary complex creatures. The result is a fusion of art and science, a testament to the enduring search for the final answer about the cosmos. Have you read or heard Stephen Hawking´s books? Quiet a trip if you ask me. He quiet manages to give a grasp on the most complex questions about the Universe. And inspires me even more!

Galactic Fossils as a combination of Art and Science

Why are Galactic Fossils so unique? These Sculptures not only celebrate the fascinating  Universe but also serve as a bridge between art and science. By combining elements of Universe exploration and Paleontology, being inspired equally by work of many Astronomers and Astrophotgraphers just as much as scientists like Stephen Hawking these Sculptures are intended to inspire and spark even more curiosity about the nature of existence and the mysteries of the Cosmos.


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