From Quarks to Galactic Fossils: My Tech-Driven Obsession with Space
I've always been hooked on technology. Not just as a tool, but as an evolving force that fuels human curiosity—especially when it comes to space exploration.
27. February, 2025 - Blog #202 - Reading time 9 Min. - Peter Von Hauerland
#Quarks #Universe #Space #Technology
I've always been hooked on technology. Not just as a tool, but as an evolving force that fuels human curiosity—especially when it comes to space exploration. My obsession started early, flipping through the pages of Quark magazine in the library every week, devouring everything about cutting-edge physics and the mysteries of the universe. That was my version of a religion. Well, that and reading about cars.
Yeah, I guess that makes me a nerd. Whatever.
Diving into nuclear science and the very fabric of reality, I became fascinated by the idea that everything—from the elements in our bodies to the fuel in a spaceship—is just a remix of cosmic building blocks. Naturally, this pulled me into physics and technology. No, I didn’t become a rocket scientist (even though my love for transportation, physics, and space screamed future aerospace engineer). Let’s just say my math skills weren’t exactly NASA-tier.
Fast forward 30 years, and here I am—designing space-inspired, interactive sculptures that blend art, tech, and scientific discovery. Think of it as a mix between deep-space archeology and futuristic design.
Before that, I had another obsession: cars. And I didn’t just admire them—I climbed my way into one of the biggest names in the German auto industry. It was a hell of a ride. But like every dream, eventually, you hit the corporate ceiling. Six years ago, I stood at that crossroads, staring at the next blank page of my life. And guess what was written in the dust?
Nebulas. Exoplanets. Sci-fi landscapes.
I flipped the script. I launched my own platform—an art blog and shop showcasing my space-inspired sculptures and Galactic Fossils. These aren’t just decorative pieces; they’re a tactile link between the human desire to explore and the vast unknown. (By the way, I just shipped one to Canada—shoutout to my fellow space nerds across the globe.)
If you’re into space, tech, and the kind of art that sparks imagination, check out my subreddit at r/galactic_fossils. Let’s talk about the cosmos, creativity, and whatever lies beyond.
Peter Von Hauerland
You can find my Space and Science inspired work here:
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