Hello out there!

I realized shortly after publishing the first Blog Article about Johannes that I did not mention once why has architecture played such a relevant role in his previous creative career. It was in a way a defining creative field and to certain extend turned Johannes to what he is today. But what fascinates the most about it all is the journey...

Having a classic art academy education behind me, I have never fell in love with a charcoal. Classic artist icon have all my respect to squezze the most out of this rather rudimentary artistic tool. Most of the classic and contemporary artists I have known use a classic line drawing as the strongest power the charcoal has ever had. But Johannes Wüst goes his own way and it makes his story once again interesting. He uses charcoal based substance to agreggate a surface coloring process. Quiet impressive creative method. It allows for large extensive transitions from nearly pitch black dark to ultra bright white tones. Other than the technic, Johannes tend to use larger canvas as the time goes. Two of the canvases currently hanging in the Hybrid Gallery Von Hauerland are 100cm wide and 140 tall. So that is kind of full size.

Landsberg am Lech is a rather small medieval city half hour drive from Munich. We met first time with Johannes the half way, close to the Castle Schleißheim northern from Munich. Quiet pictureque place, nearly too kitschy as a choice of place to talk about art, but it marked a sign for our art community. We are getting more agile and distance has no real meaning in our global art platform concept. So if I can encourage you to take part and get into our contemporary art community then I want to do it right now. Just as historically appraised and artistically decorated cities like Munich, Landshut, Nürnberg or others played a large role in the artistic development in the lower and upper Bavaria.

Back to Johannes. I mentionned his origing in Landsberg am Lech, which is alovely small city and totally worth visiting if you are making round in Bavaria. Johannes has spend a good portion of his life being an architect. He talks about it a lot in his latest interview which you will be able to experience on all out social channels including youtube, reddit, facebook and instagram. He seems to be quiet relieved to have found his way from architecture to free art. There are pieces which are impersonating this transition. Take for instance the painting "Stairways", it is all quiet obvious. Such an attention to proportion, angles and layout can only come from hands of a former architect.

But Johannes paints mostly very different motives. Actually that Stairway is quiet a single depiction of his previous creative tendencies. I would cluster the themes he works with into three groups: Emotions, landscape and solitude. Picture says more than a thousand words so it is time for you to get to know his work on your own. You can do that either over artists tab at: www.vonhauerland.com/gallery/johannes-wust or on any of our social channels.

Have fun!


MAY, 2., 2024 - Reading time 6 min.

Written and photographed by Peter Von Hauerland

Johannes Wüst